
321 Genesee Street
Oneida, NY 13421

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Exceptional Care…Always, in the “Circle of Care”

Our clinical staff is committed to providing compassionate care to our patients, our community and each other with integrity and excellence. Every day, our caring professionals deliver safe, quality care, meeting the comprehensive needs of our patients in all areas of our hospital. Our first and primary focus is always the patient, and their family, our goal is to exceed their expectations by providing exceptional care always!


Emergency Room
OHC的放射科也24小时提供紧急成像服务. 必要时,患者会被送往锡拉丘兹或尤蒂卡的医院接受更专业的治疗.

Intensive Care / Cardiac Care Unit
For conditions that require constant monitoring and specialized care, 我们高度熟练的ICU/CCU工作人员拥有齐全的现代遥测设备. ICU/CCU conditions include heart attack & stroke, serious accidents and some post-surgical care. 病人在被转移到锡拉丘兹的医院之前,有时会在这里稳定下来, Utica, or other cities.

奥奈达医疗中心拥有一整套先进的手术室, and specially trained staff, ready to accommodate the wide variety of procedures scheduled by our surgeons.
da Vinci –  Oneida Healthcare is the only hospital in Madison & 为奥内达县提供先进的微创机器人手术技术.  We introduced
机器人单点胆囊切除术(胆囊切除)手术到纽约中部和莫霍克山谷. 我们的机器人外科澳门在线赌城娱乐团队也进行妇科、前列腺和胸腔机器人手术.

Inpatient – Certain procedures, such as orthopedic surgery, cancer surgery, thoracic surgery, no-scar laparoscopic cholecystectomies (gallbladder removal), etc.,要求病人在准备出院前住院几天. Following recovery, 病人被送到医疗/外科(4楼),在那里OHC优秀的护理人员准备继续他们的护理. The care team can also include Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Radiology, Discharge Planning and others.

Transitioning your Care -我们的护理过渡服务部协助病人提供广泛的服务,以确保保健服务的连续性,并促进从一个护理级别转移到另一个护理级别或从一种环境转移到另一种环境(无论是在家中)的安全和及时的转移, short term rehab facility or long term care). During hospitalization, our patients’ stay and well-being is our highest priority, 参与他/她护理的每个人都将作为一个团队合作,以确保他们得到关注, support and compassion they deserve.

我们对病人健康护理的关注从入院开始,为他们出院做准备. 我们知道,回家或回到另一个熟悉的环境往往能提供一种即时的安慰和治疗,我们希望我们的病人从中受益. 某些患者可能准备离开奥奈达医疗保健,但仍需要额外的医疗保健服务,如家庭保健或辅助生活,以确保安全和持续康复. Throughout the hospital stay, 这些服务的潜在需求由护理过渡小组持续评估.  We are happy to address all your questions and concerns.  从入院开始,护理过渡小组就开始计划预期的出院需求. 所有与出院相关的信息都与患者和他们的主要支持人员共享,以确保顺利过渡.

Care Transition nurses are on site Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and are able to arrange for services needed at home.  The Care Transitions Department may be reached at 315-361-2053.

Outpatient/Ambulatory – Today, 越来越多的外科手术是在“同一天”的基础上进行的——病人早上来做预定的手术,当天晚些时候就回家了. 这通常对病人来说更方便,而且费用更低,因为不需要额外的医院服务. Some of the more common outpatient procedures include:

PE Tubes
Lap Tubal Occlusions
Cysto and Retrograde
Colon Rectal Surgeries
Hernia Repairs
Breast Biopsies
No-Scar Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies (Gallbladder Removal)

Pre-Admission Testing
For patients who are having outpatient surgery, 奥奈达医疗保健提供了“一站式”的机会,在一次访问中方便地完成所有门诊术前检查. 在访问期间还提供了有关外科手术的教育材料. Contact your surgeon to arrange for this easy and convenient service. Call Maureen Mosack, RN, Nurse Manager, at 361-2164.

From a Child’s Perspective
来医院做门诊手术可能相当令人生畏, especially for small children.  这就是为什么我们门诊的工作人员准备了一个特别的视频,回答了很多孩子和家长的问题.  你可以跟随我们的年轻“病人”从她到达医院直到她在一天结束时离开.  她会把你介绍给一些善良、有爱心的人,让你知道她会遇到什么.  我们建议家长和孩子一起观看这个内容丰富、有益的视频.  For a free DVD, simply call 361-2164 or send a request to

OHC在医院的三楼设有一个专门设计的内窥镜检查单元,以容纳我们的胃肠病学家和其他澳门在线赌城娱乐安排的大量内窥镜检查(“Scope”)程序. Using the latest technology, 澳门在线赌城娱乐和受过专门训练的护理人员能够在门诊的基础上提供这种高度专业化的诊断服务.

Cardiac Testing
我们的心肺科对心脏和肺系统进行了一系列复杂的测试,以帮助澳门在线赌城娱乐诊断可能出现的问题. 这些检查通常是在门诊进行的,包括使用无害的声波和药物来监测你的心脏的功能. Some of these tests, such as the stress echocardiogram, 要求患者在心脏实验室进行锻炼,以评估心脏对用力的反应. All tests performed in our Cardiac Lab are non-invasive.  我们最先进的肺功能测试(PFT)系统也位于科室内.

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for or on our website, call (315) 363-6000 or e-mail us.

Thank you for choosing the “Circle of Care”!